Marist JCL

Marist JCL

1st Place
Overall Sweepstakes (Large Schools)
Marist Latin students rocked the GJCL State Convention on April 14-16, earning 1st place for total points (650+) in our division. The enthusiastic crew of twenty-two also earned 2nd place in the Spirit Contest for their roll call cheer, procession, scrapbook, t-shirt, and publicity.
Ranking in the Top Five in the state were Taylor Leigh Hartwell (Creative Arts), Jane Bennett (Graphic Arts), Irene Kim (Academics and Creative Arts), and Flannery Hipp (Graphic Arts and Creative Arts).
Recognized for his creative work on the Marist JCL website, Andrew Albright was appointed the Georgia JCL Webmaster for 2023-2024.
Experience the Annual Marist Phenomenon
Mt Vesuvius Reenacment
Every year the Marist JCL puts on a historically faithful reenactment of the explosion of Vesuivus narrated by Pliny the Younger and Tacitus with special guest stars. This year's theme was Barbenheimer and the audience witnessed as the Barbies, Ken and Openheimer traveled back in time to that fateful day in Pompeii. Click the video on the right to watch this years enthralling Mt. Vesuvius performance by our talented MJCL membres.

2023-2024 NJCL Theme
Multa, quae impedita natura sunt, consilio expediuntur.
Livy, Ab Urbe Condita, XXV.11
Contact Us
3790 Ashford Dunwoody Road, NE
Atlanta, GA 30319-1899